About My Blog

Why am I doing this blog? 

Like many of you, I fell into the trap of taking on debt to not only get the things I wanted but to invest in my future. Sounds funny to say that I went into debt to make money, yet that is what I did.

I even did something more odd, I left a well paying job with lots of financial potential for a life that became 7 days a week of working for nothing and losing it all. I didn’t lose it traveling, buying things or even enjoying it. Quite the opposite.

I’m writing this blog to share my journey. How I ended up where I am and how I plan to get out of my $1.8 million in debt.  Yes, you read that right. I woke up one day in some serious debt with no income.  But I am crawling my way out. One dollar at a time.

Feel free to follow along and share your journey.  Maybe we can help inspire others by letting them know…

They are NOT Alone!  ~ You are NOT Alone!

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