You Take My Breath Away

I Wish it was Love


Someday’s I look at what I owe and it takes my breath away. Not like a lover you are excited to see, more like the archnemisis that wants to crush you.

It can feel so overwhelming when I step back and take it in. When I look at it all in one shot I realize the mountain I have created for myself to climb. However, I can live with that daunting task. I can take on that challenge.

What takes away my breath is that bill that shows up for $500 that I was not expecting. OMG, how will I do it? I’m running out of Peters to pay Paul. I thought I had enough on my irregular income and now I find out I don’t. I went from feeling good that I can make the money stretch to how the hell will I make it stretch.

Suddenly I’m fully aware of my deep breathing, my nostrils taking in as much air as they can. Calm myself. I must not panic.

I will make it work. I always do. I have no idea how, but I will.

Tomorrow brings new hope. Tomorrow the sun will rise and I will tackle this mountain again. I will win. Even if I must remind myself to breathe….


Positive yet Bummed…The Impact of Debt

I’m Positive I Will KICK Debt’s Butt!

Yet, I’m Still Bummed About It All

I’m sure it is normal. 

We get so fired up to accomplish a goal and then for a brief moment we stop to look at the hill we still must climb. Then we get bummed. Bummed that we got here in the first place, then bummed that it feels like forever until we get out of it. Deep sigh…..

But dispite my feelings at the moment, I know deep down I will prevail. I just want to have a 60 second pity party for one. Then at one minute and one second I’ll go back to superperson mode and kick some more ass.

So if you don’t mind…

I’m going to go enjoy my last 37 seconds before I must put the cape back on….




Yahoo! – Knocked Out Another One


Celebrate the wins!

Yahoo! I knocked out one of my bills.  Part of my debt snowball has been about $13,000 in medical bills. I just paid off one of them finally. Granted he was a little guy but he counts! Even better… after all these months, the total medical is finally under the $10,000 mark. Yep, $9.980.  LOL.   But hey, it all counts!

Now I snowball to the next next guy. He was bigger but he is slowly getting down as well. One day, I’ll tackle that big sucker lurkering around the corner. For now though, he can just eat a cookie and wait his turn.

Snoopy Dance for now…. Tomorrow we start more digging….. Out of Debt that is!


Hanging in There…. Debt will NOT Win!

Hang in there

Whatever you do… Don’t Let Go!

Well I’ve been telling my story and before I get into the next phase of it, I thought I’d update those cool little graphs I put in my widgets. This way you (and I) can be reminded of how far I have come. The way I see it, if I can hang in there, so can you.

I’ve noticed when we focus on where we are, we forget where we started. Kind of like climbing a mountain and seeing the peek so far off you get discouraged until you look down and see how far you have come… (not that I’ve climbed any mountains lately but I’m gonna assume it might be the same)   🙂

Or maybe when you are so full and realize you can’t possibly eat that last piece of pizza until you realize you already at 7 slices. (Hmm, maybe that doesn’t work either….) Anyways, you get the point.

You see, as crazy as my $1.5 million of debt looks to me, I am amazed that I’m down $300,000 in the past year and half. Granted, I’ve sold some things and plan on selling more things. But hey, it all counts. It leaves my debt column and that is what counts. Now that I’ve got an a small income coming in, I can pay what I can which will keep helping too.

The hard part is to not get discouraged. I know it will take me years to get out of this mess but I am determined. I hope you are determined too. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure there is plenty of room on my rope for both of us to hang on too. We can do it! We will do it!